Story Mission “Introduction”.
Walkthrough of All the Story Missions in Grand Theft Auto III
There are 51 story missions in GTA 3, but four of them are just cutscenes which don’t require any actions of you.
Due to the features of the plot, some of the missions may become unavailable. Therefore, if you want to get 100% completion, do the following:
Story Mission “Introduction”.
You need to get to the hideout with 8-Ball, and then visit Luigi's club.
You need to drive to the clinic in Portland View and bring Misty to Luigi’s club.
You need to kill a drug dealer and steal, respray and deliver his car to Luigi.
You need to pick up Misty from Hepburn Heights and take her to Joey’s garage.
You need to kill two pimps.
You need to bring at least four prostitutes to the party.
You need to steal Mike Forelli’s car, equip it with a bomb and bring it back to the parking lot, as if nothing happened.
You need to kill Lee Chong.
You need to damage and steal a Securicar and bring it to a garage in Portland Harbor.
You need to drive Toni Cipriani to the Laundry and then to Momma’s Restaurante.
You need to bring the car to the crusher.
You need to pick up and drive three mafiosi for a bank robbery and then bring them back to their safehouse.
You need to destroy three vans used by Mr. Wong’s Laundromat.
You need to pick up a briefcase, kill some Triads and take it to the restaurant.
You need to pick up and bring Joey, Luigi and Toni to Salvatore’s Gentlemen’s Club.
You need to kill three Triad warlords.
You need to drive a rigged garbage truck to the Triad’s fish factory and blow it up.
You need to take Maria to the dealer, to the party, and then return to the Salvatore’s Gentlemen’s Club.
You need to follow and kill Curly Bob.
This is just a cutscene, you don’t need to perform any actions.
You need to help 8-Ball to blow up the Cartel Ship.
You need to meet Maria and Asuka at Callahan Point and escape from Portland with them.
You need to kill Salvatore Leone.
You need to take out three groups of spies in six and a half minutes.
You need to kill a reporter using a boat.
You need to go to four payphones located around Staunton Island and then bring money to Ray.
You need to kill an undercover cop.
You need to rescue a high ranked Yakuza member from the prison and then drive him to the Yazuka Dojo.
You need to bring three sport cars to the garage.
You need to arrange an ambush under the guise of a deal between the Cartel and the Yardies.
You need to collect three briefcases of protection money.
You need to kill as many Yardie drug dealers as possible.
You need to torch Leon McAffrey’s house and kill him.
You need to defend Phil Cassidy from the Colombian Cartel.
You need to ram a pick-up and collect photos that will fall off it and then destroy them.
You need to kill Ray’s partner using a police boat.
You need to intercept an ambulance marked on the radar with a crimson dot until it reaches the Liberty City Police Headquarters. Then you need to kill Leon McAffrey who survived previously.
You need to rescue the Old Oriental Gentleman and bring him to Love Media Building.
You need to kill Kenji Kasen in a Colombian car.
Pick up six packages using a boat and bring it back to Donald.
You need to take Ray to the airport and then go to his lock-up.
You need to go to the airport, and then to the construction site in search of the packages. Both there and there you will have to eliminate several members of the cartel. In the final, you need to bring the packages to Love Media Building.
You need to accompany the securicar from Love Media Building to the garage in Pike Creek, Shoreside Vale
You need to get inside a Securicar and act as a decoy around for three minutes.
This is just a cutscene, you don’t need to perform any actions.
You need to lead three Colombian death squads into an ambush.
You need to destroy 9 espresso stands.
In this mission, you need to shoot down the airplane, pick up the load carried by it, and go back to the construction site.
Story Mission “Ransom”.
You need to rescue Maria and kill Catalina.