Pfister Neon
The new Pfister Neon electric sports car now available in GTA Online. It can be bought at Legendary Motorsport for $ 1,500,000.
The new Pfister Neon electric sports car now available in GTA Online. It can be bought at Legendary Motorsport for $ 1,500,000.
The new Übermacht Revolter now available in GTA Online for $1,610,000. It’s possible to install an optional forward-facing machine gun on it.
The #DOOMSDAY Rockstar Editor contest started. The grand prize winner with the best Doomsday Heist video made entirely in the Rockstar Editor will receive the coveted Rockstar Editor Trophy, customized Director’s Chair and the official GTAV Varsity Jacket with customized Director’s Patch.
Another classic sports coupe became available today in GTA Online. Grotti GT500 available at Legendary Motorsport for $875,000.
The classic sports coupe Lampadati Viseris now available in GTA Online at Legendary Motorsport for $875,000. You can also mount a pair of forward-facing machine guns on it.
The Annis Savestra boils down the power and presence of a hulking great American sports car into a concentrated dose of unadulterated rage. This baby is primed for some serious custom upgrades, and you can also swing this Sports Classic over to the Vehicle Workshop inside your Avenger or Mobile Operations Center to be kitted out with a couple of front-facing rapid fire machine guns for good measure.
If all you’ve ever wanted from life is to be ogled as you cruise down Vinewood Boulevard, the engineers at Overflod would like a word. And that word is Autarch. Crafted with speed in mind and the environment as an afterthought, this Supercar is guaranteed to turn a few heads as you blow through red lights, stop signs and jaywalkers alike.
In a world of compromise, the Benefactor Streiter sends a clear message — that despite what your lawyer says, you don’t always have to settle. A perfect combination of sleek aesthetics and raw 4×4 power, the Streiter is an all-purpose Sports class vehicle that takes city and country life in its mile-eating stride with ease.
The stench of spiked egg nog stained on your Clubhouse floor and drunken Santas stumbling down Vinewood Boulevard can only signify one thing: the Festive Surprise 2017 Event has hit Los Santos and Blaine County.