GTA Guide

Work on GTA VI has Started

The First Rumors About GTA VI

According to TechRadar, Rockstar had plans to create Grand Theft Auto: Tokyo. They visited the capital of Japan a few years ago, to assess its potential for the GTA.

Rockstar visited the Japanese capital several years ago to assess its potential for a full GTA game, but ultimately pulled the plug on the idea, according to a source close to the company.

Before starting work on a new game Rockstar makes reference trips to make photos, meet the locals and generally get a feel for the area.

Source of TechRadar reports that Rockstar had serious intentions to create a game about Tokyo around the time of GTA III and Vice City. However, the road system was found problematic to implement, and it became one of the reasons for canning that idea.

In December 2003, Take-Two Interactive has filed an application for registration of trade marks for GTA: Tokyo, GTA: Bogota, as well as the mysterious Grand Theft Auto: Sin City.

The source added that, as time has gone on, Rockstar has realised the difficulty in moving Grand Theft Auto outside of the USA. There is a vast range of things — from brands to cars — that Rockstar would have to change if the game shifted from USA to somewhere else.

Work on GTA 6 has started

The source also said that preliminary work has begun on Grand Theft Auto VI, but added that the location has not yet been determined.

There is nothing unusual in the fact that Rockstar began to lay the foundations for a new game, because GTA V was released more than two years ago.

As for the more immediate future, there is a lot of speculation that the next Red Dead game will be announced this year. Not known, would it be the first game on the new engine of the company or not.

In 2012 Rockstar put out a job advert for a position working on engine development for next-gen systems. “This is an exciting opportunity to develop cutting-edge architectures and high performance systems for current and next-gen platforms”, it read.

Even if Red Dead Redemption 2 doesn’t use the new engine, there is a good chance that GTA VI will.

TechRadar asked Rockstar to comment on this information but received no reply.

Update 02.03.22

Rockstar confirmed that active development for the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series is underway.

GTA Guide