Grotti Turismo Classic
Now Available in GTA Online
Now Available: The Grotti Turismo Classic
Pure and primal, the Grotti Turismo Classic is a throwback to a simpler time. If you’re sick of space-age hypercars with dashboards smarter than you, you’ll feel right at home in this stripped-back addition to the Sports Classic class — available now at Legendary Motorsport.
Premium Special Vehicle Race: Bumblebee
Bumblebee is the latest Special Vehicle Race to be featured as the Premium Race. Locked to the Rocket Voltic, jump in now through April 10th for Triple RP and place inside the top three for big GTA$ rewards.
Launch Premium Races through the Quick Job App on your in-game phone or via the yellow corona at Legion Square.
Current Discounts Happening in GTA Online
Through tomorrow April 5th, live like the one percent at a fraction of the cost with 25% off a range of high end items. Take the opportunity to grab an Executive Office to run Special Cargo and Vehicle Cargo operations, step up to some high powered vehicles for the race track and more:
- Executive Offices and Executive Garages;
- Vehicles: Dewbauchee Massacro, Pegassi Tempesta;
- Vehicle Upgrades and Modifications: Transmissions, Vehicle Armor, Brakes;
- Handguns.
To make sure you’re always taking advantage of all currently GTA Online incentives, stay tuned to the Events page at socialclub.rockstargames.com/events. And look for new bonuses to be posted there later this week.